What is the difference between an electric field and a magnetic field?
Question by traybizzle121: What is the difference between an electric field and a magnetic field?
What particles carries the 2 fields? Do they affect each other when they overlap? Does one make the other stronger or weaker when they overlap? Does the either field have an influence on the schrodinger wave equation probabilities?
Best answer:
Answer by B*aquero
There are 4 main forces ("natural Forces" that rule our universe, Gravitational Forces, Electromagnetical Forces and Weak and Strong Forces (This last two having to do with atomic and subatomic levels)
Every Force induces a Field , which is the space around its origin under which the Force acts.
Even tho Electric Fields produces Magnetic Fields and viceversa, they are both different.
Electric Fields have to do with the charges of the subatomic particles, while Magnetic Fields have to do with the movements of electric charges and/or electric fields.
This is quite a confusing theme, I recommend you to read more about it, and about the Theory of Strings, which tries to explain the unification of the 4 natural forces.
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