Saturday, January 29, 2011

Buena suerte (Bolsillo Zeta Thriller) (Spanish Edition)

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Buena suerte (Bolsillo Zeta Thriller) (Spanish Edition)

La infancia de dos hermanos, Lou y Oz, cuyas vidas cambian de la noche a la mañana al morir su padre en un accidente. El suceso obligará a los niños a abandonar la trepidante ciudad de Nueva York de los años 40 para trasladarse a las agrestes montañas de Virginia, donde pasarán al cuidado de su bisabiela paterna. Una historia de recuerdos. / Wish You Well describes the childhood of two siblings, Lou and Oz, whose lives are changed overnight when their father dies in a car accident. This event will force them to leave New York and be sent to their great-grandmother's farm in Virginia. Still having to grasp their abandonment, life will test them in many ways, and at the same time a new world will open for them in which adversities will offer them new experiences.

List Price: $ 13.95

Price: $ 9.17

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